
CBD Massage
$150/60 minutes | $225/90 minutes

CBD (Cannabidiol) “is extracted from the flowers and buds of marijuana or hemp plants”. It is said to have pain relieving properties that can help with chronic pain, and reduce inflammation. Anything from sore muscles to arthritis. Aside from pain management it may also ease anxiety and depression. So if you are feeling overwhelmed and high-strung — give this a try. If you’ve got those winter blues, give it a go! Sore, achy muscles — why not?

This massage session uses CBD product on areas of concern and is mixed with other massage oils to enhance your massage session.

Why CBD?

CBD is non-psychoactive. Let me reiterate, CBD does NOT get you high. In my opinion, I don’t necessarily ‘feel’ it kick it. I notice it by my sense of calm, and realizing that I am NOT noticing the pain that drew my attention before. Everyone will respond differently, but I highly encourage you to see if this works for you.